7th YPP 2015
Profile of Member

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Mian Muhammad Salman Ayub
Session 2, 2015
Brief Profile

Mian Muhammad Salman Ayub belongs to the Lahore District of Punjab. He was born on January 30, 1993 and did his initial schooling from the Salamat School System. He completed his O Level from SICAS in 2009 and did his A Level from Pak-AIMS College in 2011. He is currently pursuing BS (Accounting &Finance) from FAST-NU. In 2014, he founded the National Student Council to provide a platform to students across the country who aspire to work for an educated and developed Pakistan. He is a public speaker and have participated in various tournaments and earned laurels. Currently, he is also teaching public speaking at Lahore Law College. In addition to his academic endeavors, he has a deep passion for practical politics. He has travelled across the country to pursue his passion for politics. He speaks Urdu, English and Punjabi fluently. Believing in physical fitness, he plays football, badminton and volleyball.

Status in Youth Parliament

Politically, Mian Muhammad Salman Ayub is affiliated with Blue Party and designated as Youth Leader of the House, Member of Standing Committee on Finance.

Contact Detail
Email: mian.salman.2020@gmail.com
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